domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012

The death of a young Cuban

A few weeks ago, in a virtual discussion forum, an old comrade wrote in response to allegations of an incisor-a forceful debater and clear comments:

"I think one may well sympathize with people, especially when they are victims of certain practices (...) I think all the solidarity we practice has much to do with knowing how to put ideology aside (to the extent that it possible) ... (...) following the solidarity (...) And more than ideology, are important in the practice of solidarity: solidarity with someone well I can not think like me, but I can hardly express my solidarity with someone who think like me, but does things to me unacceptable. " If this quote is rescued now to write the most uncomfortable post of my experience as a digital columnist.
Sometimes consciousness - located by categorical imperatives-leaves few options and this is one of those cases. Death in Santiago de Cuba the young Wilman Villar Mendoza, after nearly two months on hunger strike puts anyone to choose whether to look elsewhere - allowing the repetition of these facts, or raise his voice against the incompatibility of themselves with the most elemental sense of humanity.
Situation in Cuba is compounded when we see that those who suffer most and they rebel against the status quo, or who submit in silence the many forms of protest and resistance are daily-blacks, women and poor people in rural areas or slums, to which the sanbenitos of petit bourgeois or mercenaries of the empire, run by the official discourse, do not seem ever get well.
Wilman strike was not an act offensive, the government demanded concessions that can be regarded as disproportionate or unacceptable. He did not ask to change the political regime and demanded the resignation of its top leaders: only demanded the rectification of an arrest, according to several testimonies, had overtones of lawlessness and political retaliation.
It was therefore an act of self perfectly compatible even with a well-exercised reason of state. Because on the states weigh the legal mandate, political and moral ensure the safety of their prisoners, and when they do not deserve the condemnation that the international community dispensed to Margaret Thatcher and George Bush to let die without distinction to Irish prisoners or Afghan fighters.
Almost two years ago - and in similar circumstances Orlando Zapata died, then wrote an article questioning the interpretation of murder that some gave the Cuban government inaction that accompanied the fatal outcome.
I argued that the complications arising from the fact that Havana was something (for elementary political realism) would have liked to be avoided and that even when the treatment was objectionable striker was not conscious and deliberate act of the AUTHORITIES.
Also put away, as now hagolas cowardly campaigns seeking to lower the moral stature of the deceased, presenting it as a common criminal or mentally retarded.
However, on this occasion, the death of Wilman has all the markings of a "chronicle of death foretold," where the government arrogance was directly-responsible for the fatal outcome. This time also there was insufficient time to rectify the fatal course of events.
During these weeks they met repeated requests to protect their health, freeing the young, or transferring him to a hospital. When did the second - and shuffled as the first option-it was late and the prisoner had no salvation.
As for the other cause the defendant's own decision, although not as sharp share control method, understand that your choice is the result of the inability to claim rights in an environment of institutionalized arbitrariness and neglect citizen. And since nobody threatens their lives unless their convictions are clear and firm, not choice but to offer my respect to someone whose principles led him to die for what he believed, even when their ideology does not coincide with my own vision of desired country.
Concern has been expressed that the deceased was a common prisoner and had had violent behavior, which had been brought the attention of the authorities. It is also noted that the mother, sister and mother are deceased party of dissident government agents who have commitments to the mystery of the Interior and had conflicts with Wilmer for his political stance.
More even if we assume as true the above arguments, I think the shadows in the life of any person should not be enough to issue a public trial and without appeal especially when the aforementioned can not defend themselves.
In a country where lawlessness is common and widespread and where the chronicles of our past struggles speak of the coexistence of daily miseries and sublime acts - characteristic of the human soul in life campaign, it is worth remembering those verses of Silvio Rodriguez when he said "taking into account the relentless must be the truth, I would ask-me-so urgently needed, what should I say, why should I respect borders. If someone steals food and then gives life what to do? "
For all that, as I told a friend this morning, there are times when one simply mute horror at the unexpected, when hopes vanish and creativity goes dormant.
After weeks of fruitful exchange and promoting leftist views and proposals as necessary options against reform / crisis of the existing order feel that now is the time to momentarily high.
Not because reason dictates but because, simply, sometimes you lose your sense philosophy and poetry becomes an unattainable luxury compared to the fragility of human life and the obscene impunity of despotism.


Cuba Libertaria 25

Boletín del Grupo de Apoyo al Sindicalismo Independiente y a los Libertarios de Cuba (GALSIC), promovido por el veterano luchador antifranquista Octavio Alberola

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